How to get a job in the UAE for foreigners?
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Most of the employees in the United Arab Emirates, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi, are foreigners (75-80 % of the UAE’s labor market) as the natives usually work in government institutions. Perhaps, that is why the wide range of vacancies, a decent wage and the possibility to see the country make working in the UAE so attractive to foreigners. So you might ask: do I need a visa to the UAE and what are my next steps?

Getting a working emirates visa
You should realize that you cannot be issued with the UAE working visa, unless you have a real employer. Moreover, a foreigner is not permitted to work at another company; he or she can be hired only by the initial employer.
PLEASE NOTE: the UAE working visas are issued by the migration authorities without involving the foreign embassies. The Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Immigration have developed the special procedure for getting a working emirates visa:
1) your employer shall apply for the foreigner’s Entry Permit and send the color scan to you by e-mail;
2) after you entered the UAE, you shall submit the printed confirmation in A4 format to the nearest Emirates ID Authority, where the Employment Visa sticker will be placed on your passport page, than execute the employment agreement and
3) receive the Emirates Resident ID card (Residence).
Labour card for work in UAE
Since 2014, The UAE Ministry of Labour has been eliminating the old labour cards and employment contracts in order to protect the rights of the employers and the employees. A new integrated database will be created based on the UAE Ministry of Interior and Emirates Identity Authority. An employer can print the e-card and e-contract from the e-Netwasal — online system of the Ministry of Labour. Тherefore, the employees, whose employment contract was issued through the Ministry of Labour, do not have to take the labour card as it has been already included into his or her ID card – the official proof of identity.
How a foreigner can get the Emirates ID card (Residence)?
A foreigner must apply for a Residence to that Emirate’s Main Department, where he or she is planning to live and work. You can find lists of documents for Residence and Entry Permit on the website of General Directorate of Residency & Foreigners Affairs – Sharjah in Procedures section.
Can a foreigner work in the UAE without knowing the language?
The most of the UAE’s jobs are connected with the service sector and have something to do with communication, and consequently, it is necessary to have at least the English language skills to be able to communicate and solve non-standard situations. Work without knowing the language is also possible, but it will be poorly paid.
Medical examination for job in UAE
Medical examination is compulsory for getting the Emirates Residence card. A referral can be obtained from the local Typing Office (the Emirates’ service, which helps the foreigners to fill in the forms). Then you need to visit one of the local state medical institutions. Medical examination includes blood analysis and X-ray. The results can be obtained in 24, 48 hours or 5 days (it depends on the cost). It is only possible to obtain the results personally or through delivery service in the medical center.
Working hours in the UAE
A working day in the UAE consists of two parts: from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. and from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Some more progressive companies work the whole day: from 8.00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Anyway, the day starts early. Friday is a day off. Thursday can be a shorter working day (half-day). The working week usually lasts from Saturday to Thursday. Major companies have changed their working schedule according to the Western world: from 9.00 a.m. to 6 a.m. with one-hour lunch break. Friday and Saturday are the days off.